Official Website of Historian, Author & Broadcaster


My Story
I never dreamt I would be a published author, but dreams do come true!
I have always loved history. I was lucky to have a father who was passionate about the history of both world wars. He and my mother encouraged me to attend university (I was the first in my family). I studied history at the University of Hull and was awarded my doctorate in 2008. I spent the next 16 years teaching in various British universities.
At the end of 2023, I boldly decided to leave academia and become a full-time writer. I have not looked back. Every day, I step through the looking glass into the fascinating world of British intelligence, hoping to uncover new stories in the historical records. However, I am looking for someone in particular.
My mission is to write women into the history of espionage. From cleaner to codebreaker, women are rarely named, and their contributions remain forgotten. They infiltrated enemy organisations, worked on mind-blowing operations, and managed an emporium of secret paperwork.
It is an honour to bring a cast of remarkable women to life in my debut book, Her Secret Service.
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